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On May 25th, 2018, the European Union’s (EU) new data protection framework, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), will come into effect. It is the most significant piece of data protection legislation to date and will impact any organization that processes personal data in connection with goods/services offered to an EU resident, or monitors the behavior of persons within the EU. The GDPR strengthens individuals’ privacy rights through tighter limits processing of their personal data, significantly expanding their rights over their data, and providing increased transparency into the nature, purpose, and use of it.



As an enthusiastic advocate of the power and customer-centricity of the engagement economy, Anglo-Suisse Capital understands the importance of putting privacy and data protection in the hands of the data subject. As with other data protection laws, GDPR compliance requires commitment from both Anglo-Suisse Capital and our customers. Anglo-Suisse Capital has been in compliance with the GDPR since May 25th, 2018 and Anglo-Suisse Capital’s services already include the functionality necessary for our customers to comply with the GDPR’s consent requirement. We have carefully examined the relevant provisions of the GDPR and we are closely tracking applicable GDPR guidance issued by regulatory authorities. These steps are helping us to develop tools for our customers relevant to GDPR-compliant use of Anglo-Suisse Capital’s services.



As a regulation instead of a directive, the GDPR becomes enforceable as law in all EU member states simultaneously on this date and replaces the separate member state implementations of data protection law, streamlining compliance by providing a single set of principles to follow.

The scope of this new regulation encompasses all organisations that process the personal data of EU residents or monitor individuals’ behaviours conducted within the EU, regardless of the entity’s location. The terms processing and personal data are defined broadly: processing involves “any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data” and personal data means “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’).” The GDPR outlines different requirements for Controllers (entities who determine the purposes and means of the processing of personal data) and Processors (entities who process personal data as directed by a Controller).


Key GDPR Compliance Requirements

The GDPR has changed the way organisations collect data, as well as how they obtain, document, and manage the legal basis for processing. Below is an overview of some of the key GDPR requirements.

Data Protection by Design and Default

Controllers and Processors must incorporate data protection into new products and services that involve processing of personal data (Design) and consider data protection issues in all business decisions (Default).

Lawfulness of Processing

Processing must be based on consent, performance of a contract, legal obligation, protection of vital interests, tasks carried out in the public interest, or legitimate interest balanced against the fundamental rights of data subjects.

Conditions for Consent

Requests for consent must be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous by a statement or by a clear affirmative action.

Security of Processing

Controllers and Processors shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk.

Data Subject Rights & Information

Controllers shall provide the information outlined in Articles 13 & 14 to Data Subjects and Data Subjects may access, correct, delete, restrict processing of, and transfer their personal data, as well as object to automated decision-making based on their personal data.

Data Inventory

Controllers and Processors must create centralised repositories containing records of processing activities carried out on personal data.

Data Protection Impact Assessments

Where a type of processing is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, prior to processing Controllers must carry out assessments of the impact of the envisaged processing operations on the protection of personal data.

Data Protection Officer

Controllers and Processors whose core activities consist of processing operations which require regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale or large scale processing of special categories of data must appoint a Data Protection Officer.

Controller-Processor Relationships

Controller and Processor relationships must be governed by binding contracts that set the terms of the processing to be performed and provide Controllers the right to object to Sub-Processors engaged by the Processors.

Data Breach Reporting

In the event of a breach involving personal data, the Controller shall, where feasible, notify the relevant Supervisory Authority within 72 hours after becoming aware of it and, if there is a likely high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the affected data subjects without undue delay.


Consent Under the GDPR

Anglo-Suisse Capital marketing activities will merit using consent as the legal basis for processing personal data. 

GDPR defines consent as:

“Any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her.” -Art. 4(11)

GDPR Article 7, Conditions for Consent, requires that requests for consent be clearly distinguishable from other matters using clear and plain language, that the data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time, and that consent is not freely given if the performance of a contract (including the provisioning of a service) is conditional on consent to processing personal data not necessary for the performance of said contract. Articles 13 and 14 outline the information to be provided to data subjects at the time of data collection.


Accountability Under the GDPR

One of the most significant requirements under the GDPR is the accountability principle. GDPR Article 24 requires Controllers to “implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure and to be able to demonstrate that processing is performed in accordance” with the GDPR.

Anglo-Suisse Capital offers a number of features and functions that demonstrate compliance with the GDPR principles, such as:

  • Role Based Permissions
  • Audit Trail
  • Encryption at Rest
  • Data Management

Helpful GDPR Resources

Below are links to some GDPR resources which we will continue to update as relevant regulatory authorities issue additional guidelines.

While the content on this page is designed to help organisations understand the GDPR in connection with Anglo-Suisse Capital’s services, the information contained herein may not be construed as legal advice and organisations should consult with their own legal counsel with respect to interpreting their unique obligations under the GDPR and the use of a company’s products and services to process personal data.


Sir Stelios unites the ‘easy’ Family of Brands in Monaco

MONACO, 22 October, 2022 -- Entrepreneur Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou has played host to over 100 eager businessmen and women this weekend in Monaco.

As part of a rolling series of similar events, the two-day session on 21st and 22nd October was aimed at businesses that currently trade as part of the ‘easy’ family of brands, founded by Sir Stelios in 1995. Typically, these contain ‘easy’ as a prefix to their company name, including easyJet, easyHotel and easyStorage among others.

easyCapital is a joint venture between the easyGroup and Anglo-Suisse Capital.

More information:

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Lakeward and thallos form joint venture to develop a residential area in Schwäbisch Gmünd

Zurich, 13 April, 2022

The ambitious residential quarter development 'Eco Village' in Schwäbisch Gmünd had already taken shape in the form of plans and concepts at the end of 2021. At that time, the project developer, thallos AG, submitted the building application for the residential quarter development with around 300 flats to the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd. A forward- looking concept that is intended to harmonise living comfort, an attractive appearance and the highest standards of climate-neutral building. Now, the Real Estate Fund launched by Lakeward Advisory AG in 2021 in cooperation with PMG Investment Solutions AG has founded a joint venture with thallos AG to realise this building project.

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Lakeward lays foundation stone for new construction project "Ferdinand's Garden" in Berlin-Lichtenberg

Berlin / Zurich, October 29, 2021

Lakeward yesterday laid the foundation stone for the new housing project "Ferdinand's Garden" together with the general contractor PORR and local representatives. The project is located on Ferdinand-Schultze-Strasse in Berlin-Lichtenberg and comprises 395 new apartments.

Ferdinand's Garden is located in Lichtenberg, a district of East Berlin that has experienced steady population growth for years due to continuing inflows from the more expensive, central districts of Berlin. The significant development potential of the area offers Lakeward the opportunity to establish a foothold in the location with a large residential real estate portfolio. The development includes 395 functional and affordable housing units with standard and robust construction standards, as well as 79 rent-controlled units. Occupancy is planned for the end of 2023.

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Inveniam Acquires Factom to become the 8th largest blockchain patent holder in the US. ahead of Microsoft and Fidelity

NEW YORKAug. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Inveniam Capital Partners, Inc. announced today that it has acquired Factom, an Austin-based blockchain innovations company. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. 

With the acquisition, Inveniam acquires nearly 40 fundamental blockchain patents and with its existing patent portfolio, Inveniam becomes the 8th largest US-based blockchain patent holder, ranking just behind Intel and ahead of Microsoft, Fidelity Investments, Capital One, and Bank of America. 

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Another victory for Stelios and the easy family of brands against brand theft!

A further victory for brand protection was delivered in the High Court in London on the 22nd July after Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou’s easyGroup was granted an injunction preventing a French Caribbean travel agent, Stephane Roche from using the “easyway” brand to promote his tourist services to customers in the UK.


The defendant, Stephane Roche will also have to pay legal costs to easyGroup of around £75k plus damages (based on a share of his profits and or his revenues for the last seven years) for using the easy brand without easyGroup’s permission.  The quantum of the damages will be assessed later in the legal process.  However, the court ordered that his website be subject to “geo-blocking” so it is not visible in the UK and he is also prohibited from offering his services to UK travel agents, customers with a email address or any other customers that make it clear at any point during the transaction that they are located within the UK. 

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Stelios welcomes easyCleaning to the easy family of brands!

easyGroup, the creator and owner of the easy family of brands ( ) has today announced another important extension of the brand into household cleaning products.

By joining forces with David Pearce and Darren Mosley of, Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou’s well known orange easy logo will be applied on millions and millions of products now sold at supermarkets and convenience shops up and down the UK, typically at significantly lower prices than the high cost brands.

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easyProperty is raising capital using crowdfunding site Seedrs

easyProperty, the UK hybrid estate agency combining an online presence with the advantage of local experts providing the necessary local touch, is raising capital on Seedrs, the UK’s leading crowdfunding platform.  Founded in 2012, Seedrs is one of the UK’s leading equity crowdfunding platforms, which has funded 1,235 deals raising a total of £1 billion.

The easyProperty business was acquired by Evolve Partnership Limited backed by easyGroup founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou.  It relaunched under its new ownership last year and is now seeking capital to expand its network from 54 local easyProperty partners, extending its geographic territory to cover much of the UK.  With the iconic trustworthy easy brand, focus on customer service and value for money, easyProperty is set to be a major player in online estate agency.

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What is DeFi yield generation and how does it earn over 30% p.a.? [Protos webinar]

 STAY INFORMED - Wednesday 2nd December 2020 - "Risk-adjusted DeFi yield generation"

In these days of negative interest rates are you ready for Decentralised Finance ('DeFi')?

Learn how to earn 30% p.a. with DeFi yield generation and avoid volatility risk.

Join DeFi yield generation industry experts, Dr. Philipp Kallerhoff and Tom Kineshanko, in their upcoming webinar:

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Cybersecurity presented by Zayda Technologies

STAY INFORMED - Wednesday 32nd August 2024



Shattering Time to Detection from Months to Seconds

Detection speed is the holy grail of cybersecurity.

To thwart a cyber attack, an organisation must see when the adversary establishes their initial foothold.

Join cybersecurity veterans and industry experts, Bahram Yusefzadeh and Steve Luebke

to discuss lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. BY and SL credentials


Guest presenter: ZZZZZ ZZZZZ will present lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 

ZZZZZ bio and credentials


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COINDESK - Alyssa Hertig - What is DeFi?


COINDESK - 18 September 2020: "What is DeFi?"

With the explosive growth of yield farming over the past few months DeFi is now proving to be a major milestone in financial history.  However, with the pace of these developments, we know it's difficult to stay current. Alyssa Hertig has published a DeFi primer on Coindesk titled "What is Defi?"

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